9 personas confirmadas muertas en los tiroteos de dos bares de Hanau en Alemania y el pistolero fue encontrado muerto

Los fiscales alemanes han confirmado que al menos nueve personas murieron y varias personas resultaron heridas en dos ataques con disparos en la ciudad de Hanau el miércoles.

Un pistolero desconocido abrió fuego contra dos bares shisha en Hanau, al este de Frankfurt, informaron los periódicos alemanes Bild y Hanauer Anzeiger.

El motivo del tiroteo sigue siendo desconocido y los oficiales de policía alemanes dijeron que el atacante probablemente actuó solo.

After a shooting on Wednesday evening in Hanau… the alleged perpetrator was found dead. According to witnesses, the police received information about a fleeing vehicle, which could be found as part of the large-scale search in the Kesselstadt district. The home address there was blocked off extensively and searched by special police forces. Two other bodies were found. One of the dead people is most likely the culprit. There are currently no indications of other perpetrators. The number of victims who were fatally injured at the crime scenes in Heumarkt and Kurt-Schumacher-Platz increased to nine, so that there are currently a total of eleven deaths. Investigations into the identity of the victims and the suspected perpetrator are ongoin», police said.
